Blogging is something anyone of us can do today, all you need is to choose a platform, set up a page, and start writing. But time as change since the blogging world open, starting from zero to massive traffic to earn income is a lot harder. The blogging itself may not seem hard, but regular task you need to perform need to be on a higher scale to deliver a satisfactory result. Writing at least three posts a week is almost mandatory to feed to social media to lead traffic back to your site. It's time to get serious about blogging and use some tools that will put you above the rest. Use these top tools on your blog to write a post that delivers success.
Your hosting platform is where you send your viewers for content, with that said it need to look clean, appealing, and easy to navigate and share. I recommend using Wix platform because of the tools, apps, templates, and technical support. The Premium Plans package cost $8 to $17 a month, but they have sales year around that reduce the packages to half the price.
All Premium Plans Always Include: -FREE Hosting -Domain Connection -500MB+ Storage -Google Analytics -Premium Support -No Set-up Fee
Writing for most bloggers may not be your only job, so your are not likely to dedicate your entire life to grammar. You want to create content that is helpful and valuable to your audience. They key to this not just to write a blog post, create content that is free of most typos and bad writing styles.
Now granted I am still working on building up my grammar skills, so my blogs are not perfect. That is why I use a tool like Grammarly to help correct my blogs and keep them free of common mistakes. Now, this tool is far from cheap, but the investment is more that worth the price in my opinion. Costing ($29.95 a month, 59.95 a quarter or 139.95 a year), so in the beginning, a few people may not be willing to make the investment. Go and try the tool for free version for a few months, it comes with reduced tools, but you can still get results.
Grammarly does more than spell checks your writing; it checks your grammar and writing style. You receive recommendations on how to improve your writing, shows all grammatical errors and any typos that can enhance your writing. Now taking this advice is, of course, voluntary but I always revise my writing and use the information it gives. Why would I pay for an expensive tool if I am not going to use it right? Using a free alternative like spellchecker from you Google Docs or Microsoft Word to get similar results.
Data is essential to any business to see how it is performing to grow. Most bloggers may already know about this tool, especially if you are using the blogger platform from Google. The Google Analytics tool is essential to any blog; the best part is its FREE to use for any website. With the analytics tool, you will have detailed statistic for web traffic. You can watch visitors in real time to see how referral links are performing. Find and track the biggest audience on social networks with daily clicks to optimize your content.
Google Analytics is not just one tool; you have the option to use 1000's choices. Learn to combine reports, see how events conversion perform based on who and how many people your post reach. And it does not stop there, go through and look for all you can do with the reports the tool provide. Don't make the mistake of not using this tool, start by installing Google Analytic tool and just let the data grow for a little bit. After a few months of adding content to your blog make better use of your data. Start examining what your audience do, how they react to your blog post and how effective they are in getting traffic. Don't forget to look at where your traffic is coming from and what device is being used. Google Analytics gives you the power to not just follow your audience; you have the ability to create a better website overall for your audience.
Blog Idea Generators and Headline Optimizer
A good headliner is golden when it comes to people clicking on your blog post. Using these two tools have some advantages even when they don't work exactly as you want them to. The idea is to use the tools to get you started and help improve your work.
Start by using the HubSpot Blog Topic Generator, think of three nouns on the topic you would like to write about. After you enter each section, click and see a week worth of blog post. What I do is go and tweak the titles to something that make more sense for my topics. Remember that you want your headline to be grammatically correct. You may want to tweak them to be more relevant to your terms and grammatically correct.
Now Let's make out headline title a little better using Blog Post Headline Analyzer. Now that you have a headline you want to make it even better by getting, even more, tips from the analyzer. Our title may be good, but it can always be GREAT! Of course, you want to think of your unique headline than let the analyzer go to work. This process usually takes a few minutes of adding and taking away phrases to improve your score. Shoot for a score of 70% or higher to get more responses and shares from viewers.
Pixabay is a web portal where you can find free pictures and videos to use on just about anything you do. If you are looking just for a good looking picture without doing all the work yourself check out this site. All contents are free of copyrights, released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain. Use the images to copy, modify, distribute, even for commercial purposes, all without asking for permission or giving credits to the artist. Just make sure to look for depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity or privacy rights.